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5 Common Toilet Problems and How to Repair Them

Your toilet is something you use every day, but it’s probably not something you think about or want to put too much energy into understanding. That is until it has a problem, and your entire at-home life is thrown into chaos.

This is common, and when it happens, it can be extremely stressful. You think about how much a plumber is going to cost, whether it’s necessary to get one at all, or the cost of having to buy a new toilet outright.

Today, we’re going to go over the top 5 most common toilet problems and how you should go about fixing them. That way, you’re a little more prepared when something goes wrong.

Let’s get started.


1: Clogs


A clog is the most likely problem you’ll experience, and it’ll probably be a fairly regular occurrence depending on your habits. Luckily, most clogs are very easy to deal with.

The first thing you need to do is use a good old-fashioned plunger and try to dislodge the clog that way. In most cases, that will be enough to break the clog-free and let your toilet function as intended, again. 

Common Toilet Problems - Clogs

If not, you can consider using a chemical clog remover that you simply pour into the drain, wait, and then try to flush again.

However, those options won’t always work. Sometimes, the clog is too severe, or it’s a clog that is much further down the pipeline, and nothing you do is going to reach it.

In that case, it’s best to call a professional plumber who has the tools to reach those hard-to-reach clogs and dislodge them safely. Trying to use powered plumbing snakes and other tools on your own can damage your toilet, sewage lines, etc. A plumber can do the job properly and ultimately prevent much worse issues.


2: Free-Moving Toilet Handle


This is another issue you’ll experience eventually, and it’s a basic repair that anyone can do on their own in about five minutes.

If you go to flush your toilet with a traditional toilet handle, and the handle just moves around freely, a component breaks.

The reason your handle typically has tension on it is that it’s attached to the stopper in the toilet’s tank via a thin metal or polymer chain. Over time, metal chains can corrode, and both types of chains can simply wear out over several years of use.

To fix this, you just need to replace the chain. These can be purchased for a few dollars at your local home maintenance store, and they connect to your toilet’s handle and stopper mechanism with ease.

If you have a more modern toilet that uses buttons instead of a traditional handle, fixing a faulty button can be a much more complicated repair, and it’s always best to get a professional repairman to handle the job.


3: The Toilet Wiggles When You Sit on it


If your toilet shifts a bit from side to side when you sit on it, there are two things you need to look at. Typically, they’re both repairable on your own.

First, check that the toilet seat isn’t loose. Most toilet seats are mounted with plastic brackets, and those brackets wear out over time. This makes the toilet seat loose. It might not be the toilet itself. You might just need to tighten the toilet seat or replace it.

If the toilet itself is shifting on the ground, the two bolts securing it have likely loosened over time.

With an appropriately sized wrench, tighten the bolts on each side, but don’t overtighten them and crack the toilet. This should stop the wiggling, and no further repairs should be necessary.

However, if the base of the toilet around those bolts is broken, or if the bolts themselves have been damaged, more substantial repairs and replacements will need to be made.


4: Your Toilet Won’t Stop Flushing


If your toilet is constantly flushing without the handle being lowered, the stopper inside of the tank is being held in the open position. This can happen if the chain we talked about earlier gets wrapped around another component, something breaks inside the tank, or a foreign object falls into it and blocks the stopper, and similar situations. The water line will continue to supply water to the tank, and the stopper will let it through.

For that problem, check the stopper to ensure the chain isn’t tangled around anything and no obstructions are keeping the stopper open.

Common Toilet Problems - Toilet Won’t Stop Flushing

If that doesn’t solve it, or you have water overflowing from the toilet’s tank, the issue is the fill valve that lets water. While your stopper is down, the fill valve is letting water continue to enter the toilet without an escape. Replacing the valve is typically the best course of action and is a straightforward installation.


 5: Noise When Flushing


Flushing the toilet is always going to make some noise, but if you’re hearing strange noises, such as air releasing or gurgled splashing, you need to replace your fill valve.

This noise is caused because the seal on the fill valve is no longer functioning properly. When you flush, it attempts to operate, but as the valve closes, the seal allows excess air and small amounts of water to come through.

This is also an early sign that you will likely deal with the overflow issue we mentioned earlier. Once the valve completely fails, it’ll start filling your toilet nonstop until you turn off the main valve to the toilet and fix the issue.


When Should You Call a Plumber?


We’ve given some DIY repair solutions to common toilet problems, but there are definitely times when you shouldn’t handle them on your own. 

First and foremost, if you’re not confident that you can handle the repair, even if it’s one of the simpler ones we’ve highlighted, a plumber is far better than doing it on your own and making it worse.

Second, most issues that aren’t on this list are more severe, and you need a professional’s expertise to handle them appropriately.

If you need a professional plumber in Santa Clara, contact Plumbing Point today for a fast toilet repair and replacement.  

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